Disability rights movement! You may have seen or heard this phrase “Disability is not limitation” repeatedly in different places like TV programs, banners on streets, text messages, and so on. This phrase is a fact, and physical impairments do not make people disabled. Some people may have some problems or a hard time doing their things, but it doesn’t mean that they can’t do anything. People with disabilities, like other people, have their unique abilities and talents. They also have disability rights. Governments, Societies, and people are responsible for these people. They should help to make these people more confident and self-believe in their lives.
Helping people with disabilities is a charity activity. When all the people of a society are capable and powerful, they will be competent and reliable. So, people with disabilities should have the opportunity to develop their creative and unique artistic and intellectual talents. Considering the disability rights enrich the human resources of every society.
Social Participation
Like every individual in a society, people with impairments can live and have a healthy life. Depending on the level of disability, every community provided conditions for these people to live like others. They have rights for education, travel, shopping, doing sports, having a job, etc.
People with disabilities should be able to participate in important events in the community, such as elections, voting, etc. they can significantly impact such events. They must talk about their views with no shame or fear and follow their dreams and goals. Getting married and having a new family is another disability rights for this group of people worldwide.
The disability rights
A social movement that gives equal rights and opportunities to people with disabilities is disability rights movements. Some of the disability rights are as follow:
– The right to decide for oneself: Every person with special needs and disabilities has the right to make decisions about every personal issue
– Transportation right: All citizens with disabilities can travel in and outside of their residence just the same as other citizens. They can use public transportation in cities.
– Financial Management: The other disability rights for people with impairments are financial management, which they have full access to and control their own money and properties. If they are willing to, they can ask someone else to do this job for them.
– Personal properties: People with disabilities have the right to have their wealth.
– Privacy rights: Privacy is one of the disability rights that gives the individual enough space to decide how to manage time, relations, communications, etc.
– The right to have a relationship: The people with disabilities are human beings, they have feelings and emotions the same as other guys. They have the right to express their feelings emotionally, socially, and sexually.
– Marriage right: Another disability rights is the marriage right, which enables people with disabilities to have family and kids, live like other citizens if they want to.
– The right to participate in their family’s decisions: All family members are equal, and disability makes individuals no difference. Disability rights enable people with physical impairments to participate in important decisions of the family-like other members.

– Expressing complaint: another disability right for people with special needs is to express their grievances with no fear or shame. The punishment is the same as other people with a lawyer’s presence, just the same as other members of society.
Every government should support disabled people depending on their conditions. Providing necessary facilities, creating various opportunities, financial needs, employment of people with special needs in different organizations and companies, free education at different levels, Welfare Organization supports, and other services are all disability rights.